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What Does Being A Global Citizen Mean To Me?

What does global citizen mean to you? what does global citizen do? be specific, giving  example from our studies/ current events and your emerging understanding


A global citizen to me is someone who identifies with being part of an emerging world community, and whose actions contribute to building this community’s values and benefiting the majority.  

As a global citizen, I am not just part of my family or my neighborhood but I am part of the entire world population.  The things that I do or don't do may not only affect those immediately around me but the entire world. So what happens to the world is in part my responsibility. An example of my world responsibilities is taking charge for causes that I am passionate about and taking a stand to benefit other global citizens.   


A global citizen can be anything from a member of the community working with the poor to being a professional athlete to politicians to a fireman. To some degree everyone is a global citizen but how they impact the work we live in depends on how they view their responsibilities on this earth. 

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